Monday, January 10, 2005

Please donate the 'Tsunami Charity Match' proceeds to a secular charity not to an evangelical ministry like World Vision Petition

To: International Cricket Council

Malcolm Speed
Chief Executive Officer
International Cricket Council

Dear Sir,

We thank you for trying to help the Tsunami relief work by organizing a 'Tsunami Charity match'. We hope that it will bring some solace to the effected families.

Our primary concern is regarding the utilization of the proceeds. It has been mentioned in your brochures and website that the proceeds would be donated to 'World Vision International'. We would like to bring to your attention that World Vision is an evangelical ministry often found to mix 'religious conversion and charity'. One of the India's leading investigative newspaper 'Tehelka' ( did an undercover operation and exposed that World vision has been involved in clandestine religious conversion. World Vision International on its website claims "In all World Vision projects, staff are ready to give a reason for their hope and their labours. Christian education is included in project activities whenever appropriate and desired by the community ". Many feel that this is a very mild way to put forth their objective.

The effected regions are largely Budhist, Hindu and Muslim. Due to the extreme zeal among evanglicals to implement 'project Joshua' (i.e., to convert 10-40 Window), we fear that the Cricket Match proceeds may be used for this unintended objective. Therefore we request you not to donate to the money to 'World Vision' and in turn donate to some local secular charities.

Thank you


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